10 thoughts on “22nd January 2016, London

  1. Clothes in situations like this look so embarrassed I want to look away.

    And as you say, where is the person these clothes should be on?

    Another mystery of life. How clothes get loose and run away from home.

    1. Very odd. There were so many of them – the only thing I can think is that they were taken from a charity bag…the only other thing I can think of is wild abandonment…

      1. They escaped from the charity bag in a last ditch effort for a fling before being forced into yet another humdrum assignment…Whatever it was, it’s another one of those questions that your photos so often ask and make them so interesting.

  2. The people were carried away into the aether leaving behind the clothing. Aether that for the fenced in garden is clothed for the season. 🙂

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